Happy Valentine's daY

Valentine's day? what is that? its tasted more good than cheetos or chiki?? if not so i dont really care of it...

for me, theres no such as valentine's day..if u love someone u dont hv to wait this day just to show or telling or whatever it is to the love one...
means its so ridiculous when we hv to wait once a year just to says "i love u" ....

but, i admit the spirit of valentine's day its spared all around the world and when someone that i care much said "happy valentine's day" * nothing else, u must be kidding me??? ...ngarep he said i love u.... then i hv courage just said what i really want says, yeeah but hey its me, i can barely telling truths but at least i hv guts to says what i said...

i do care of him but still can said "3 words" to him..because i thought he still not sure about he's felling then i dont wanna break my self right?

but i do love him much...dont care what he was, what he do, etc...for me he's have everything that i am looking for..he gave me something that i dont thought i never feel again..he makes me believe what love is....

seriously, i am an independent women and i think love is just a fairytells and now i stuck in my own fairytells, thanks to u in a good for sure..
now i can do whatever he wants me to do, suddenly he become my life, my sun and my important reason to stay alive...

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